Memento Distribution by DigiiMento for GATE AIR Students.

Memento Distribution by Team DigiiMento Education for GATE AIR Students.

Digiimento Educational Services (Digiimento) is in news again. As the result of GATE 2019 is out, so did Digiimento’s efforts. In a recent meetup with students Digiimento distributed mementos to students who cracked GATE 2019 and got rank of All India Rank 60 (Mohd. Kashif Khan) & All India Rank 134 (Akash Verma) respectively. An interview of both students was also conducted separately where they were giving tips to fellow students on how they cracked GATE exam. You can watch the interview videos of both students on YouTube channel of Digiimento. Click here for watching interview of AIR 134 (Akash Verma) & AIR 60 (Mohd. Kashif Khan). Both students got many queries from fellow students when they were talking in a ongoing class with Mr. Himanshu Kaushik (Director of Digiimento).

Akash Verma (AIR 134) told students how to manage time while you are studying in college & what type of opportunities you can get while studying. Mohd. Kashif Khan (AIR 60) also told students how they can study more by remaining focused on their subjects. Both give suggestions to students on how they can crack GATE exam with less effort & by being more productive.

So in the end both students got memento from DigiiMento for their good effort and cracking GATE 2019. you can see pictures below.

With all these things said, we are also going to shed light on a special discount which is ongoing on DigiiMento website. This a huge discount where you can get upto 30% off on your favorite courses. Not to miss, that DigiiMento is also providing Live Classes for GATE & Live Classes for NTA NET/ UGC NET along with standard courses for both GATE & NTA NET/ UGC NET. Digiimento recently released videos of their students who had cracked NTA NET exam of DEC 2018. You can watch testimonials of students on Youtube channel of DigiiMento. So you can say Digiimento is making progress in making itself stand out from the rest of the crowd by showing results. Many of the testimonials of students said that teachers of Digiimento teach in very good manner and they know their respective subjects in-depth. SO we hope that you guys take advantage of this discount and grab you favorite course of GATE & NTA NET with discount upto 30%

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